Friday, May 7, 2010

A little bit of romance

At what age do you think kids should start dating? How old were you when you went on your first date? Was there anything you would change about the experience?

I think kids grow up at different rates.  In some ways I was a lot more mature than other kids my age when I was a teenager, but in some ways I was way less mature.  I read a lot and had some very unique live experiences under my belt even as a young teenager, but I was socially awkward, gawky, shy, and not necessarily the cutest kid ever. I had an awkward haircut and underdeveloped body and absolutely no confidence.  I think that my saying that kids today should date at a certain age based on my experiences, without social skills, social networking or even cell phones for most of my teenage life, doesn't make sense. Here's what does make sense.

Kids know about sex at younger and younger ages. It is all over the media (yeah, yeah, that argument again)  with shows featuring younger and younger kids having and enjoying sex.  Because, well, sex is fun.  The problem with this isn't honest portrayals of good hard fuckery, but with these very honest portrayals without a lot of education about how, when, and why to have sex.  Yes, sex is fun, but STD's, babies, and heartbreak really aren't, especially when still in high school. Aw fuck, I've digressed from the topic at hand.  moving right along.

Kids should begin dating when they're educated on all of the consequences of dating and the fun fun activities that go with. It may be 12, may be 22. That all depends on the environment they are raised in--both at home and at school.

I think I went on my first actual date at 13. I did a lot of co-ed hangout things before then, but 13 was the age of the first actual boy-girl hangout with romantic feelings. I remember enjoying it. I think he came away from the whole experience feeling a bit more than I felt.  I wish I had been able to tell him that instead of leading the poor guy on, but it was so fun to be wanted, especially at that very gawky phase in my life, that I kept my mouth shut and let him keep on wantin'.

Another thing I wish had gone differently is that I didn't tell my parents the truth, that I was going on a date with a boy.  My parents were fairly strict with me, and I thought they'd disapprove and say no so I lied. It set a precedence.  To this day, I haven't felt like I could be completely honest with my parents about my love life. I'd love to feel otherwise, but for now, that's the way it is.

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